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Institutional Equity

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Title IX

Committed to providing a safe and non-discriminatory environment for all members of our community
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Our Purpose

Title IX works to provide a safe and supportive environment for students, staff, faculty, and University community who are seeking assistance and advice for incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, and stalking.  Our office assists the community with filing reports and complaints based on violations of Policy 1.008 – Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation. Additionally, TCU Title IX conducts training regarding Title IX, related provisions of the Clery Act, as amended by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and prohibited conduct defined by Policy 1.008.

Andrea McDew

Title IX Coordinator
Dr. Andrea McDew
TCU Box 298920
The Harrison, Suite 1800
Fort Worth, TX 76129